
Produced and Curated by

Anna Powell
During my undergraduate, I enjoyed exploring the cobbled lanes, back alleys and historic buildings of Oxford on foot. I am currently doing my masters remotely, and so the walking tour came from a desire to bring Oxford to other people online. It is an exciting opportunity to learn of a few of the inspiring sites and individuals of Oxford, we hope you enjoy it.

Charlotte Clifford
I’m local to Oxford and have been for 20 years. I wanted to know more about the area and so this project was perfect to combine my inquisitiveness and interests in human rights.

Emily Warren
I have lived in Oxford for over 4 years and I am interested in the history and the culture, and making the most of walking around a beautiful city.

Omar Ibrahim
I moved to Oxford in 2015 for three years, but, despite the observational lens that came with studying Architecture, a lot was left unexplored. When I returned in 2020 - partly in light of the state of our current world - my interactions with the city had shifted. In developing this tour, I was afforded a rare opportunity to explore a whole new side of the city that aligned with my current motivations and interests.

Sophy Botsford
Having moved to Oxford in September 2020 and spent most of my time here under lockdown regulations I was excited by the opportunity to learn about the history of human rights in Oxford as a way to discover the city. I wanted to use the experience to broaden my knowledge on human rights and find engaging ways to share information during Covid-19, ideas which were formed through collaboration with the Conflictorium in India.

In collaboration with

A participatory museum that addresses the ideas, questions and structures of conflict. It is an initiative that brings together different sections of society to celebrate plurality and encourage conflict expression in creative ways, by facilitating dialogue through art and culture practice. The emphasis is on art, audience and archives where intersectional and interdisciplinary approaches to peace and conflict are explored.